Thursday, January 21, 2010


Simong Tosky
When this project was first assigned it twas just me and my right hand man Thomiatro. It would have been very hard to make a film with just two people, but then like a ham sandwich falling out of the sky, Yale don Dale turned around and gave me his signature head nod. Then I knew we were in business. Three people=the almighty Triad.
This was a very precious move, this allowed me to fully become the director in chief, and leave the acting to the pretty boys. I think Yale and Thomas did incredible jobs acting, which I must give them major props and redonkulous kudos for. They really let go of their normal personas for their parts and let it all hang out. Sometimes it took some major tooth pulling, but we did it.
While we were deliberating ideas for the movie; I looked at Tommy and then I looked at Yale. I was like (in my head) “hey simon, this probably won’t be a movie with a lot of talking, Simon: good we don’t have to bother with a script, you turkey.” Also I knew immediately that we had to make an Avant-garde movie, mostly because it would give me freedom to do whatever I wanted to. As a Triad we decided to go with a weird remix of the “Day in the Life” story. We filmed on two occasions after school at my house. My main concern was “get the necessary film as quickly as possible, and start editing, and editing and editing and edit EDIT EDIT EDIT!” I was the editor as well, which was a gift and a curse. The gift part was because I was the director as well so I would have total control of what the movie looked like. The curse is that im a semi-perfectionist and I can edit for hours and hours at a time, for days, months, years and weeks at a time. This was probably why we were done, 1+1/2 weeks before the movie was due. This is also why I will not make another movie until 12 years from now or later.
Our movie is called “Vive Cuevo!” What does this mean? According to my hispanol hombres it doesn’t mean a damn thing. But to me it has a deep meaning; it is a mixture of the song Viva La Vida and the liquor Jose Cuervo. It’s a word that we use in our every day lives, for the good things that happen. Like if you just found a $5 dollar bill on the ground, Vive Cuevo! (o you lucky dog you!). The Film is an Avant-Garde Comedy, so the goal is not to tell some worldly story, but to make you laugh or at least be happy. The plot of the movie is very random, discontinuous, and strange; very similar to this essay. An underlying theme in the movie is just doing the crazy stuff you want to do, but in most cases in normal society cannot. It’s a world where you don’t care if you make a mess of things, its called freedom. America. Barrack Obama.
5 Cinematic effects:
Close up shot- good for getting in close, we used it when we wanted to emphasize something.
Medium-shot we used this shot a lot, we were indoors in cramped quarters and it was hard to get a long shot.
Stolen shot- Bob the Builder we got you through the window hommie. Non-diegetic sounds- I sprinkled these throughout the movie, they add to the surrealistic aspect of the movie.
Non-Linear story line- added to the avant-garde aspect, kept things unpredictable.
I learned a lot about film throughout the course of this course. It really came in handy in making the movie. I’ve made a movie for English class last year, but it had no cinematic value. It was a beautiful mess, but it was a mess with no structure, our new film is an organized mess. I wrote this essay very informally and I did not spell check. I will miss this class :(

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