Monday, January 29, 2018

Key Concepts for Chapter 1

There will be a very brief Reading Reward (QUIZ) on Monday, 2/12 on some of the key concepts from Chapter 1 of our textbook, Understanding Movies. The best way to prepare is to thoroughly read Chapter 1, completing the fill-in-the-blank handout (that you received in class) as you go, and focusing on the following terms and concepts:
  • Film style: Realism, formalism & classical cinema
  • Shots: Long, medium, close-up and the effects they create
  • Angles: Eye-level, high, low, birds-eye view, and oblique (also known as canted or dutch) and the effects they create
  • The role of the cinematographer
  • Photography: Soft-focus, deep-focus, and rack focusing (selective focusing)
Good luck!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Welcome to the RotMI Blog, SPRING 2018!

Bookmark this site now! It's the place to come for course information and everything you need to keep up with assignments and due dates!