The test will focus on George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead, Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away, Alfred Hitchcock’s North By Northwest and the key terms and concepts from Chapter 8 of our textbook, Understanding Movies. Also, review everything from the beginning of the course, such as literary, dramatic, and cinematic elements, etc. Be sure to look over your notes, your homework assignments, and all Viewing Guides and handouts.
Along with the general plot and character developments of the three films, be sure to focus on these areas in your review:
- In Night of the Living Dead: the zombie apocalypse genre and its conventions; continuity error; colorblind casting; "stealing a scene"; indie film; subversive subtexts (cultural/historical significance); ironies in the plot; final shot; director's cameo. Be able to cite specific examples of these concepts from the film to prove your point.
- In Spirited Away: The typical conventions of animated films; the film’s “eco-message”; motifs involving the importance of name, memory, and identity; Miyazaki’s inspiration for the character of Chihiro; auteur; moments of realism. Be able to cite specific examples of these concepts from the film to prove your point.
- In North By Northwest: director's cameo; rear screen projection technique; femme fatale; final cut privileges; title credits; montage; characterization and compression; visual irony; visual foreshadowing; aural cue; "stealing a shot"; "Becoming George Kaplan"; "The Matchless Eve Kendall"; "Murder scenes shot lovingly and love scenes shot murderously"; epiphany and character arc; how tension and suspense are created in "The Crop Dusting Scene." Be able to cite specific examples of these concepts from the film to prove your point
- In Chapter 8 - Understanding Movies: mimesis, diegesis, avant-garde, plot, story, conventions, genre, classical paradigm (including exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, resolution and closure), linear vs. non linear narratives, realism as style, rites of passage, cinema verite
This is only a general guide and not a complete list of everything we learned and everything you should study!
Extra help will be offered after school at 2:40 p.m. on Tuesday, 12/11 in room 452.
The approximate test breakdown: 40% multiple choice / 20% mini-essay / 40% short answers
Good luck!